Tannu-di-kudi & Tannu-da-puttar

We intend to track various interesting things that go on in the lively lives of Rida and Rayan- our daughter and son. Photos, events etc. shall be posted so keep coming back.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Rayan is circumcized: 2 February 2006

DATE: 2 February 2006
In keeping with the Islamic tradition of circumcising male children, Rayan went through this procedure on 2 Feb 06. It was carried out at the famous Crescent Hospital, Hyderabad, using the Plastibell technique. The 'wound' took a couple of days to heal and Rayan showed no pain or discomfort except for the first half hour or so, despite being given local anaesthesia.

Please refer to the following links for more details of this tradition:
1. Why is this done?
2. Male Circumcision: a Muslim perspective

Also, this very day, Rayan's head was shaven clean by our friendly neighbourhood barber. Our little sonny didn't cry- I guess he was too young for that. Rida's head was shaven when she was a little older- six months or so when we were in Ilford, East London. She had cried her lungs out.


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